Beware....I've got lots to talk about...this might get lengthy.
So today I decided to clean my house. My house keeper got pregnant and well I haven't found a new one. I thought we would save the money and I'd just do it myself. Because after all I had to "clean" the house just so the housekeeper could "clean" the house. That always drove me crazy. It just always seemed like the worst possible time to have to pick up the whole house. Well six months has passed and I haven't really done it. But today was the day. I was turning over a new leaf. I am not a cleaner. In fact hate, detest, find every excuse in the book to not clean. Therefore my house was just out of control. So out of control ,that I wanted to clean it. If that makes any sense. So I start in the kids bath room because it smells like pee all the time and I can't figure out why. I go in there and wipe the entire pot and floor around it with clorox wipes all the time and still I feel like it smells like pee. There are just too many boys peeing in there!! I really try to remind them make sure the tee tee goes straight into the water and that if they get any on the rim to wipe it off with TP. However, rules get broken. And well PEE. So back to the subject.....I start cleaning this nasty bathroom. It is terrible. I sprayed the entire potty corner with bleach and let it sit while I scrubed the tub and sinks. I end up spending at least two hours in there scrubbing it from floor to ceiling. When I was finished, I loved it! So I decided to make my way to the next room that needed my undevided attention, the kitchen. Same thing spent another couple of hours working on that. Scrubbed all the cabinets etc. Then I dusted the whole house. Vacuumed....wiped down the blinds. Really deep cleaned. Scrubbed all the door jams and hall walls to get the gray dinge from all those little hands off. I even took our kitchen chairs outside and gave the kids buckets of soapy water and a wash rag and let them scrub them then hosed them off. To do this little task, I let them put on their swim suits and then play in the pool and water hose for a while....thus making lots of laundry. Of which I was way behind on because I was out of town for four days.
Fast forward a couple of hours. I go out for a quick Target fix BY MY SELF. Josh is in charge of getting them showered to bed and all that jazz. I'm not saying that this is his fault I am just saying why I was not home. So when I get home, all that hard work down the tubes. Really. My kids can trash our house in an hour. I know that for the most part the house was still clean as in no dirt but there was CRAP everywhere. Wet towels on the floor, dirty clothes on the floor, tooth paste in the sink. The toilet already had the PEE. (Sorry mom I know you hate that word :))....and it wasn't flushed. There was broccoli and popcorn on the kitchen floor. I feel so defeated. Why did I even bother.
Before I left for Target, I was getting on to the kids and not letting them do anything for fear that all my hard work would get destroyed. However, that is no way to live. They are just kids. Which is another reason why I shouldn't bother cleaning. Then I wont have to be so hard on the kids about messing it up. :)
I really need to spend some time in our bedroom and the play room but......I'm not good with DEFEAT. So I guess I'll spend the day shopping tomorrow instead.
Do you feel my pain? I'm back on cleaning strike. Now I remember why I didn't do it in the first place. Know a good house keeper?
Wow, that was a load off my chest. I feel much better and now I can go to bed seeing how it is 1:20 am. That's right 1:20. I drank this energy drink this morning and well I couldn't go to sleep....ok off to bed.