Saturday, January 31, 2009
Update to cupcake post.
I got a large shirt box left over from Christmas and I put the bottom in the lid for double the strength. Then I lined up all the pots inside. I guess because the pots are hard and were lined up side by side touching they didn't move around at all. I was very careful and layed them on the flat floor of my car. The school is just one turn off my street and one turn into the parking lot. So no bumps really. The book suggests using tissue paper however I did not.
Happy cupcake making!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hello Cupcake!!!
Hogan's new teacher had a birthday today. She loves plants and flowers. So the room mom and I decided to throw her a little "flowery" surprise celebration at school today. We went with the whole flower and plant theme. So Hello Cupcake came to the rescue when we were trying to decide what kind of cake. The book features these awesome sunflower cupcakes. They even suggest you put them in little terracotta pots. How cute is that. Mine are not near as good as the ones in the book but I still thought they turned out cute for someone who loves flowers.
I had some extra batter so I made some miniature cupcakes with miniature oreos for the siblings of the kinder kids. The little ones were even cuter. Too bad I didn't have any miniature M&Ms. If you like these sunflower cupcakes, you will love the rest of the book! It is awesome!
Here is Hogan enjoying his cupcake.
To go along with the theme of the cupcakes we gave her a potted plant with more than just a plant in it. The flowers are made out of the kids hands and then laminated. The small sticks have gift cards to some of her favorite places. All the kinder parents were so generous.
On the pot I wrote one of my favorite verses. and......
Then I used the kids thumb prints to make ladybugs, bumble bees and inch worms on the pot. A few decoupaged flowers to tie it all together and tada the gift is complete. It turned out really cute and I think Mrs. Williams was very surprised. I love to get crafty and creative and I just don't have time to do it as much as I would like. This was really fun.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
More Randomness
Elisabeth and Hogan on the trampoline. They really do love each other.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Busy Times
This is Chiquita. She is the neighbors dog but she comes over every time she hears the kids outside. She has a little hole under the fence. She loves the kids and the kids love her. The kids would love a dog but this bad 'ole mom just doesn't want one more thing to take care of. When Chiquita started coming over I was kind of glad because the kids feel like they have a dog yet I don't have to take care of a dog. Poor thing must not get any attention at home. When the kids come inside, Chiquita goes back to her yard.
We have had so many beautiful days.
The air is cool and crisp..........
The sun is shining and bright..........
The boys have been playing outside non-stop.
Here is Gates on the swing with his bicycle helmet. Man I love that kid.
On a side note, here's a funny story for ya. Everynight at the dinner table Josh asks Elisabeth what they did at PE that day. Don't ask me why. I think he just likes PE. Anyway, depending on what she says he has some sort of comment. If they play soccer he says "Well did you dominate?" She always laughs and so on. So one night last week we were having dinner and Josh asked Elisabeth what they did at PE that day. She said they played basketball. Out of no where we hear Gates say: "Did you dominate?" Josh and I cracked up...... Well you had to be there. I think part of what made it so funny was that he talks extremely slow. Like "w e l l d i d y o u d o m i n a t e?" Ok forget it. It is too hard to explain when I type. Onward and upward.
Hogan on the slide. Check out his toothless smile. When they start loosing their top teeth they really start to look older. So sad.
Beck hammering. The boys all love to hammer. Our tree set is full of extra nails. I figure it can't hurt. Right?!?!
This past weekend we went to the livestock show. I love to see all the animals and so do all the kids. Look at this cute little face!
This place was packed. It is always crazy trying to keep up with all the kiddos. See Josh walking off with part of the kids in the top right of the picture and then Maddie and Hogan still looking at the pig. I don't even see Gates and Claire. YIKES!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Even the Baby has Noticed!
Starting when Elisabeth was an infant Josh and I started to sleep with the TV on in our room. We turn the volume all the way down once we go to sleep but the TV stays on; all night. We started doing this because I was nursing and Elisabeth would wake up several times a night. I needed a little light to get us started (remember I was a new mom) and the TV did the trick. Well, as most of you know.....I wasn't the best about getting the kids on a strict schedule so they woke up in the night to nurse long after they should have been able to sleep through the night. Then I had four kids four years in a row so I nursed many a nights. I weaned each child just in time to start a new one nursing. For those of you who are wondering, yes I was pregnant, nursing or pregnant and nursing for seven years straight. YIKES! That sounds really crazy but it was really great. I really miss having a baby. So the TV thing has just stuck and now the TV stays on all the time.
Last night Beck woke up in the night and told me he was going to Barf. DREADFUL! So I ran him to my bathroom thinking he was going to barf right then. However, he didn't and we waited and waited. I got tired of being in the bathroom so I got him a large bowl and we set up shop in my bed. Josh was out of town and so I propped him up on some pillows on Josh's side of the bed with his bowl. After a while a dozed off. Now remember the TV is still on with no sound. The next thing I know Beck is waking me up saying "mommy you need one of those, you need one of those." I roll over to look and see what he is talking about and he is watching an info-mercial. That's all that is ever on in the wee hours of the night. I think I have seen every last one of them but that is a whole nother story. What is it for you ask......"The New Body Shaper" . It is a tight girdle like thing that you wear under your clothes to make all the lumps disappear. He was watching it with no sound just pictures and they were terrible. Big lumpy slouchy women that then become slim and smooth and stand up straight just from putting on this thing. It showed woman after woman before and after. Beck thinks I need one. I'm so sad. I know I have gained some but I didn't realize it was that obvious that a three year old would notice. I shouldn't have given up my athletic club membership after all. LOL
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
"Devil Sauce"
Today, we went through the drive through at Wendy's and I got the kids each a five piece crispy nugget. You can't beat it for 99 cents. After I ordered, Beck kept saying: "I want yellow ranch I want yellow ranch." I think he meant honey mustard dipping sauce. :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Geocaching FUN!
Here we are in a local park. Hogan found this one. It was a pimento jar, inside a rubber toy tire, hidden in a tree trunk under some leaves.
Inside the jar were all kinds of "treasures". You can add something to the jar if you like.
It was dark this night and we had to use flashlights to find them. It made finding the caches a little more challenging.
This was where one of the caches was hidden. I wont say where so as to not give it away to anyone in Corpus who goes geocaching.
Can you guess where we are? There were big drops off either side of us. The guys and the kids were sitting on the point.
We found this film canister under a rock and in a hole. Another cache checked off the list.
All the kids wanted their own flashlights. Hogan wore Josh's head lamp. We're getting serious, now. We found five out of seven of the cashes we planned out for this week.