Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well I have lots of pictures to post but they are all on Josh's lap top that he has at work. So I give to you CraZinEsS!

My sister in law is in the hospital with some blood clotting problems so I have her children. My sister has a good friend who had a baby yesterday and she has her two kids. So we are all going to McDonalds; two adults and twelve kids in the pouring rain. We have been couped up for two days. I have to laugh. It is going to be so much fun!

I thought ya'll would get a kick out of the recent compliments I received from my husband:

1) "I like those shorts babe, they look really great with your chicken legs."

2) "You look nice babe, you like you are going to do the watermelon crawl." (I was wearing a orange, white and brown plaid shirt)

3) "You found your necklace. I am glad it makes your neckline look good." I guess it doesn't look good with out it :)

Josh was just trying to be sweet but I have to laugh at the way he says things.

Hope everyone has a terrific day! Full of BIG fun and lots of smiles. Off to visit the golden arches.


Tricia said...

WOW! 12 kids!!! That is crazy! Can't wait to see how it goes. I am sure you will enjoy your nap today...wait, do you still get a nap? haha!

Haley said...

y'all are the bravest moms I know. We would be home-bound! How is Holley?

Jaime said...

What a servant heart you have to take on caring for so many children. I hope you survived Mc-y D's and all the kids had fun!

Jill said...

you are BRAVE!! what a great friend/sister in law you are...is this holley? i hope she's ok soon.

SheridanLeftwich said...

Holley is home from the hospital. She was having some trouble with some blood clots in her hand. She will see a specialist in SA next week. Thanks for everyone concerns and prayers.

J Katy Garner said...

you guys are pros! 12 kids no problem,right? : ) hehehe.. I would have had to have and extra D.Coke I think.
How is Holly??
Shelby is LOVING her big girl purse and accesorices you can be sure to tell Lolly.
Happy Anni to you guys too!

Lisa said...

That is awesome! I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when you guys walked in and took up half the seats. :) And I love the Josh stories...I'm glad he hasn't changed a bit.