Thursday, January 22, 2009

Busy Times

Things have been so busy around here. I feel like we go non-stop. Here are just a few pictures of some of the day in day out kinda stuff.

This is Chiquita. She is the neighbors dog but she comes over every time she hears the kids outside. She has a little hole under the fence. She loves the kids and the kids love her. The kids would love a dog but this bad 'ole mom just doesn't want one more thing to take care of. When Chiquita started coming over I was kind of glad because the kids feel like they have a dog yet I don't have to take care of a dog. Poor thing must not get any attention at home. When the kids come inside, Chiquita goes back to her yard.

We have had so many beautiful days.

The air is cool and crisp..........

The sun is shining and bright..........

The boys have been playing outside non-stop.


Here is Gates on the swing with his bicycle helmet. Man I love that kid.

On a side note, here's a funny story for ya. Everynight at the dinner table Josh asks Elisabeth what they did at PE that day. Don't ask me why. I think he just likes PE. Anyway, depending on what she says he has some sort of comment. If they play soccer he says "Well did you dominate?" She always laughs and so on. So one night last week we were having dinner and Josh asked Elisabeth what they did at PE that day. She said they played basketball. Out of no where we hear Gates say: "Did you dominate?" Josh and I cracked up...... Well you had to be there. I think part of what made it so funny was that he talks extremely slow. Like "w e l l d i d y o u d o m i n a t e?" Ok forget it. It is too hard to explain when I type. Onward and upward.

Hogan on the slide. Check out his toothless smile. When they start loosing their top teeth they really start to look older. So sad.

Beck hammering. The boys all love to hammer. Our tree set is full of extra nails. I figure it can't hurt. Right?!?!

This past weekend we went to the livestock show. I love to see all the animals and so do all the kids. Look at this cute little face!

This place was packed. It is always crazy trying to keep up with all the kiddos. See Josh walking off with part of the kids in the top right of the picture and then Maddie and Hogan still looking at the pig. I don't even see Gates and Claire. YIKES!

Here are Elisabeth and Gates petting the sweet pig.
Those things really do steal my heart. I have a soft spot for animals. Well...except cats. I don't care much for cats. They can be so snooty.

One day we went outside to check on the kids. They were playing outside way to quietly. We found them all fishing. They were pretending the Rubbermaid was their boat and the driveway was the water. It was so cute. How was so impressed at how well they ALL could cast. Even Beck. He is definitely the fourth child.

Waiting for a BITE.

Happy Thursday everyone! Have a great day!


J Katy Garner said...

awww cute pics as always. Are you guys going to Lauren's play on Sunday?
We both have neighbor adopted pets that so funny! Except ya'lls is a dog and ours a cat ;)
love ya

Perks said...

great pics and stories!

i agree with the no-pet thing...I have enough humans to take care of.

Lisa said...

That last picture of all the boys in their boat is one of my all-time faves. You have to blow that up and put it in their bathroom or something. It's adorable! Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Amy said...

I had decided that if you didn't post today I was leaving an "are you alive" comment! I'm so glad you did!! I miss those regular post!!:)

LOVED all the pics. Those kids are so stinkin cute!

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

You always have the best pictures and the best time with your kids... I love how you capture every minute and let us see... how much fun to be one of your kids.

Corrie said...

That fishing thing is TOO cute! I love kids with big imaginations.

I made your mexican pot roast -- we all really liked it. I actually made it on Thurs but we didn't eat it until Sat -- that wasn't intentional. Long story. So I didn't make the gravy. I just shredded the meat and served it with all the juice over mashed potatoes. SO GOOD. Thanks so much for sharing.

Jaime said...

It looks like you all are having lots of fun around there!! I look forward to seeing your v-day creations. :-)