Friday, March 13, 2009

My Three Sons

The other day I watched the boys playing outside. They were having so much fun hanging out under the club house of the swing set. It made me smile. At times, it made me laugh. I have so much pride in these kids. They are not perfect. But they are perfectly made. I wondered if that is what it is like for God. Does he look down from heaven and smile. Does he laugh when we are funny....or does he spend more time in disappointment and frustration. I disappoint our God daily. I wish I didn't. I want him to look down at my life and smile; to crack up laughing; to fill up with pride at how good I turned out.....

Hogan is getting so big. He has lost his two front teeth and it makes him look so much older. He is a whiz at math but HATES to read. Argh....I always hated to read at his age too. I like it now so maybe there's hope. As you can tell, Beck is the entertainer of the bunch. He gets in trouble a lot. Unfortunately, he needs to get in a lot more trouble than he does. Mommy and daddy have got to buckle down a little more on this little guy.

...and sweet Gates....well he is the sweetest little boy. He has his moments but over all....for a boy....he's a great kid. He has the sweetest little voice. It is little just like he is. He is still short but is still in the "normal" range. He is always the first one to say "thank you for...."what ever it is that we just did.

I couldn't resist snapping a picture of these "precious souls".

I love watching my children grow. There are moments when I can't wait for that particular stage to pass (like potty training) and then moments when I wish a could go back in time. They are growing so fast. I can't imagine life with out them. I love them so much more than I ever thought I could. It amazes me that God loves us much more than that. Even though we disappoint him. Today, as God looks down and watches over he going to be disappointed in what I'm doing? Does everything I do make him proud? Am I going to make him laugh? (Yes I do think God has a since of humor. Farts and stinky poop are a perfect example of just how funny God really is.) I hope that I disappoint him much less than I normally do....and while I'm at it... I hope I crack him up a little,too.


Corrie said...

Such good pictures! Your boys really are precious.

I think that God has at least one laugh a day at my expense. And that's okay! I'd much rather amuse Him than disappoint Him, although I do way too much of that too.

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

What a great post... and relection on how our GOd just might be with us... I love it and the soles pic is priceless.

Jaime said...

You stole the words from my heart on motherhood. Often I wonder why God blessed me so much and entrusted ME with these precious souls. I couldn't be more thankful and in awe. I hope I please God with my life...I am so grateful for His grace.
Your boys are darling!

Jill said...

such great pictures and sweet boys. loved this!

Lisa said...

I really needed this today! Thanks for the food for thought and I love seeing pics of your boys. We are so blessed.

Angela Robinson said...

Great post, Sheridan. Thanks so much for sharing it.

Amy said...

Loved this post!! So perfect!!

LOVED the pictures! You should go pro girl!!:)

Anonymous said...

Your boys are beautiful! I could really use some good advice on raising boys! Tricia said you are the expert on potty training...what are your ideas? I am a total failure at it! Glad to be in contact with you friend, just started a blog...