Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Perfect Day or Not

I woke up at 6:00 am with out an alarm. I was well rested and ready to go because I had plenty of sleep the night before. I cheerfully place a breakfast quiche in the oven that I had prepared the night before. While the quiche cooked I hopped in the shower. I sat at the kitchen table and read my bible and prayed. Then it was time to wake the kiddies. I woke them cheerfully with singing and we all sang while putting on our freshly ironed clothes that I had so diligently ironed on ironing day a few days before. I remove the quiche from the oven and serve the kiddies breakfast we all eat together and pray for the glorious day God had ready for us. The kids lunches are ready from the night before and we all load up to go to school. I made homemade treats for the kids to sweetly give to their teachers and thank them for all their hard work. Josh takes Beck to my moms so I can stay at the kids school and volunteer for a few hours. At 12:30 I pick up the kiddies and we go home and have a nutritious lunch. The kids play great while I accomplish all of the chores of the house. I begin preparing a lovely dinner and head out at 3:30 to pick up Elisabeth. She runs and greets me with a huge hug and off to the house we go. The kids have a fresh fruit snack and do their homework with out complaining. I use this opportunity to homeschool Beck a little and get him good a prepared for pre-K next year. The kids play out side until dinner is ready with their daddy. Elisabeth comes in early and sets the table and dinner is served. During dinner we talk about the glorious day that God blessed us with. We use the opportunity to thank God once again for blessing us. The meal is delicious and the kids clean their plates with out complaining of one green thing. Off to their baths. Nobody fusses over who gets to sit next to the faucet. Josh cleans the kitchen while I make sure the kiddies get clean and have fresh jammies. For the rest of the evening we play a few games read a few books and then off to bed. Josh goes in and reads the kiddies a Bible story and says their prayers. Once the kiddies are in bed Josh and I relax with a show. Then retreat to the bed room. I'll skip over the bedrooms details. We go to bed and sleep through night with out being disturbed until the next morning. (add record scratching noise) THIS has and will never happen.
My day yesterday went a little more like this....
My alarm went off at 6:30 I pressed snooze three times because I had been awake three times during the night and was so super tired. When I finally did get out of bed, I walked into the bathroom to pee. I got up and looked in the mirror and realized my hair didn't look too bad I could just go lay back down for 30 more minutes and not shower. I rested a little bit longer but never could fall asleep because I was too worried I would sleep too long and be late for school. I finally did get up and went to wake the children. They all cried and no one wanted to get up. I frantically ironed their clothes and fussed at them over and over again until finally yelling to get their clothes on. I spent 10 minutes digging through our sock grave yard for a pair of socks for Hogan. (The sock grave yard is a laundry basket full of clean socks that is always full because I hate to fold socks) I finally get us all ready and we hurry out the door. On the way out the door I realize the children to not have lunches so I quickly throw lunchables in their lunch boxes. I pass out a pop tart to each of the children on the way to school. (It was a whole wheat poptart). As I drive out the drive way Beck is crying because he wants to go with me but Josh needs to take him to my mom because I have to substitute teach for the kindergarten class. I hurry the kids to their teachers and settle in to my temporary teaching position. Oh... I failed to mention it started raining on our way to schools so we were all wet by the time we got inside. Plus that would mean no recess for the day. YIKES! We don't finish all the activities the teacher planned for us. The day is hectic and crazy. We go home at 1:00 and I let the children eat cheese Doritos for lunch and gelo with peaches in it. I was tired from the morning so I sat on the couch for about an hour and watched TV until it was time to be back at the school. I drove the boys to moms and then went up to the school to sell HEB giftcards to all the parents as they picked up their children from school. Let me just say, parents dont want to be bothered at pick up. It is crazy as it is and they just want to retrieve their children and get out of there. They don't want anyone harassing them to purchase a thing. After all nobody has any money because we have all paid an arm and a leg in school tuition. After standing in the super hot humidity for an hour and selling one HEB card I head to pick up the boys and back home. I start the kids on their homework and they all fuss because they just got home and it was the last thing they wanted to do. Josh gets home from work and quickly changes because he has a dinner meeting for work. Off he goes again. I take the children to Target and we eat dinner in the Target snack bar. YUMMY!! and so nutritious! or not. I spent $167 on nothing we needed and I have to hurry home because the children need to be in bed. They all cry when I make them go to bed because Josh isn't home and they want to play their DS games. I say prayers with them and go sit on the couch and watch dancing with the stars because I am too tired to do chores around the house. Josh gets home late and we go to bed with a wreck of a house.
Maybe today will be better. :)


Amy said...

You really scared me there at the beginning. I was actually thinking..."Wow! Maybe we aren't that much alike!!":) BUT, by the end, my hunch of us being Mommy twins was once again confirmed!! Whoo...you had me worried there for a minute!!:)

Hope today is a brighter day!

Perks said...

I believed you at first. I even believed the quiche and pre-ironed clothes bit. :)

Funny story!

Stephen said...

that sounds like the leftwich clan that I know and love. i have been around since the beginning and at no time has any of that first part happened ... well maybe the bedroom part since you do have four kids.

Tomilyn said...

Stephen is too funny! You had me feeling pretty lame for a few minutes. Sorry to say that I am glad you aren't perfect! Just another manic Monday right?

Lisa said...

This one really made me laugh. I'm with Denise...you had me on the quiche and preironed clothes. I'm not sure which part of the actual day is the best, but right now I'm going with eating dinner at the Target food court. Just know that you're normal!

Angela Robinson said...

I, too, was duped! Glad to know I'm not the only one who's yet to achieve the perfect day. (I'm doing good if I can get 1-2 of those accomplished on any given day!)

Haley said...

I was almost getting mad at you when I was reading the begining part. I was thinking 'I only have one child and I don't get any of that done in a day.' I sighed and smiled when I got to your actual, normal person day.
I love the Target snack bar.

Linda said...

Ok, I am laughing sooooooooo hard! I seriously heard the record scratch in my head and all. HAHAHA! Girl, I can't tell you how many times I wake up and decide...oh its not too bad on the hair. hehe! Just too funny!

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Wow... you forgot that you have 5 hours in your day to blog... You said my journaling was good but I feel like I was a fly on the wall and got to see you wonderful and crazy day myself... I love it and I can not believe you made a quiche... you are crazy... you iron everything in your house but you hate to put socks together... FUNNY.

Lisa Hanna said...

Yeah, I was pretty much a sucker all through the first part. Disgusted, but sucker--I'd actually believe you of all people could do that!! Here's to reality!

Corrie said...

I was feeling more and more worthless as a mother as I read through that. I did think "this can't be true" but then my feelings of inadequacy overshadowed the doubt. Whew -- I'm so glad you're a big fat jokester!

I like folding socks. I'll fold all your socks if you'll iron my clothes.

Jill said...

that cracks me up! i remember when i taught school, i would get up and take a shower and then get back in bed to sleep for just a few more minutes. it drove brody crazy!
and i will try to do the blog challenge soon. i just have one more day on my "week in the life" posts.

Jaime said...

I, like everyone else was practically in tears because I thought I was such a loser at first...in fact I scrolled down to see where it switched, but couldn't find it so I went ashamedly back to the top to read. Whew! I am glad I read it all and found out that I am not alone in our days. :-)

Angie Campbell said...

Wow- you are such a good story teller, you really had me believing you at first as well- especially about the ironing part. The more real part of the day sound so much like my household!
And, I am so tired now that I am going to bed and leaving the clothes in the dryer and not folded.. as always!!!!

kj7 said...

You are too much! I was beginning to dial your number to ask for instructions on how I could be more like that...We all have hectic lives that are full of twists and turns. YOu are doing a great job and are such a good mommy!