Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Short Stuff vs. The Giant

Today I took Gates back to the Endocrinologist. It was a good visit. For those of you who don't know, Gates is extremely short. I think it runs in my side of the family. If any of you know Betty Perkins and her sister Glenda Tipps (from the A & M church of christ) they can confirm it. They are my grandfathers sisters and short. Very sweet though. Anyway, his pediatrician sent us to a specialist to make sure there was nothing wrong. In fact, after tons of tests, there is nothing wrong he is just short stuff. At our last visit, he was pushing it to be in the 5th percentile. (It looked more like the 3rd percentile to me) This visit, he had jumped to the 10th percentile. YEA!!! Gates!!! He grew. The doctor did some calculations and determined that his growth velocity is in the 75th percentile. Which means he could easily catch up to all the other 4 year olds if he continues to grow at this rate. While we were there, I had the doctor put Beck's measurements in on the chart. He is almost exactly the same height as sweet little Gates. He is in the 95th percentile for height. He is the opposite of Gates and a GIANT. This means that they will be wearing the same clothes for at least another year. People are always asking me if they are twins. I hate to give people too many details but it is hard for people to understand unless I do. Argh....So now you have it. Two brothers+15 months apart+one short and one tall=same size.

Thank you God for good news!


Jill said...

my paw paw was a pretty short man, too, so it definitely runs in the family. but, he was a great man so i think good things come in small packages. and how nice that they can wear the same clothes! :)

J Katy Garner said...

You go GATES ; )
So thankful everyone is healthy... cute cute trick-or-treating pics! We are really looking forward to Christmas and fun cousin time, I think it will be here before we know it!

Corrie said...

Praise God for the good news!

(They're 15 months apart??? Good grief woman!! How are you still sane?)

SheridanLeftwich said...

I'm NOT! 15 mo is nothing. Elisabeth and Hogan are only 14 mo apart. YIKES! I've lost my mind.

Jaime said...

It is so funny to read this post because just a few nights ago I was "worrying" to Ben about how short Briggs is. We had gone to the doc last week and he is about 3 inches shorter than Beck was at this age. I am short, and it does run in the Elam clan. About your kiddos being very close (was that planned??) Ben and his brother are only 10 1/2 months apart. We joke that when the doctor gave the 6 week "okay" she was pregnant again.

Amy said...

Yeah for the good news!! Grow Gates grow!!

Case and Kenna are 16 months apart and we get the twin question alot!! But, Kate and Kooper were 18months apart and Kate was older, but tinier. Koop was HUGE for his age so we got the twin question almost every time we went out! It was kinda fun!

I've heard people say having them this close is harder than twins!! What were we thinking?? ;)e're crazy!!:)

Tricia said...

Wow! your kids are close together. Sam and Micah are 16 months and I thought that was close. You are a super mom! Way to go Gates!! !

Lisa Hanna said...

Good job Gatesie!!! We miss you guys!

Angie Campbell said...

Glad to hear that he is growing!

It is nice that the boys can wear the same clothes! I am sure that makes it easier!